After the packers came and packed, the movers loaded all our stuff and we cleaned up the house, we set off for our journey to Charlotte! We caravaned down with the cars since my Dad had volunteered to drive as well. The boys and I packed into the Mini Cooper armed with a portable DVD player and Joe's favorite movies!). It took longer than expected as there was a TON of traffic on I-95 but we finally made it around 10 pm on July 18! We stayed at Aunt Ann's (Ken's aunt) house for the weekend. We found the house pretty filthy when we got here so Ann rustled up a cleaning crew and we made it spic and span in time for the movers on Monday. Moving day was hot but bearable under the shade and by evening all of our stuff was inside. Now the REAL fun began with the unpacking! The one downside to the day was I went to go get the camera out of the car and it went sailing onto the ground and I broke the lens, thus explaining why we only have one picture of that day!

The moving van in front of our new driveway!
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