After a few hours of contractions Friday night that finally faded away, I woke up Saturday thinking "Well, maybe tomorrow we'll get this baby!" We went to swim lessons for the boys at the YMCA in the morning then came home to play outside and have some lunch. After a leisurely afternoon, I cooked dinner (hamburgers, ensalada rusa and cole slaw) and began our evening routine. During dinner, I began having contractions again, this time a bit stronger than they had been. We got the boys ready for bed and the contractions started getting closer together, around 10-15 minutes apart. They were stronger this time so I went to get my bags ready thinking, we'll go to the hospital once they get to be closer together. I wanted to make the nurses a treat so I went to the kitchen to make brownies.....I got as far as opening the box when I got another STRONG contraction and thought, "Ok....maybe I won't make brownies today! Let's get to the hospital!" Aunt Ann came over in a flash and we headed out the door just before 10 pm. Throughout this whole time, I was listening to the Hypnobabies Birthing Day track on my ipod and at 10:53 pm, William arrived! He is our biggest baby weighing 8 lb 13 oz and is 20 3/4 inches long. His brothers, Joe and Thomas adore their baby brother and we are all excited to have him here.

Baby William is finally here!
He is beautiful.
He is adorable. Love to all.
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