Hard to believe that this little guy is already 3 months old but he is! He had a good 2 month well baby check on August 3 and his stats then were 12 lbs 13.5 oz and he was 24.5 inches long! He is a big boy! He is cooing, smiling and even laughing! He is kissed constantly by his brothers and he loves all the attention. He is actually a very easy-going baby and is very pleasant. He only cries when he is hungry, tired or wants to be picked up. We are so happy to have him here! His other milestone is that he rolled over (front to back) while we were at the lake at the end of August! He did it once already here in Texas but not since then. I suspect he will be like Tom and be anxious to keep up with his brothers so we should see more rolling soon! He was also baptized at the end of August along with his cousins Ryleigh and Violet. Pictures of that event to be posted soon!

Loungin in my overalls

Already outgrowing one of my favorite outfits! Check out Oct 2007 archives to see Joe in this same outfit! Will is the 2010 version of the spooky little pumpkin!

Chewing on Daddy...I want some food!

Will and Thomas in their jammies
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